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Previous Team Members
Doctoral Students supervised
Zvi Ostfeld, Rate Based Flow Control in High Speed Networks (1994-1997).
Sigal Sahar, What is interesting: Interestingness in Knowledge Discovery (1996-2002).
Alexander Kesselman, Competitive QoS Algorithms for High-Speed Networks (2000-2002).
Eyal Even-Dar, Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning (2001-2005).
Nir Andelman, Algorithms for Networks and Auctions (2002-2006).
Uri Nadav, Protocols for Selfish Agents (2006-2009).
Mariano Schain, Machine Learning Algorithms and Robustness (2009-2015).
Eyal Gofer, Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Finance (2009-2013).
Shai Vardi, Local Game Theoretic Algorithms (2011-2015).
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